Security musings (reflectorium)
Security musings (reflectorium)
Friday, October 29, 2004
Off topic: Eminem's Mosh (call to vote, not-Bush)
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Eminem's Mosh - clearly, he doesn't like Bush. =) Loosely related weapons of mass destruction
Competitive Hacking
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Getloaded vs. Truckstop - tale of one company scraping data of another company's business portal site. Mostly by posing as a subscriber or re-using (userID, passwords) pair. Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Sardonix - source code auditing
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Good site, good links, good stuff: And Crispin Cowan is involved in it.
Criminals making money off DDoS threats
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This article gives some detail on the actual extortions going on. Internet casinos and bookies are threatened by criminals operating bot nets. It also gives some idea on the money involved - and it has suspense, heros and a good ending, Monday, October 25, 2004
The World Bank Technology Risk Checklist
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For what it's worth. From a cissp-forum posting by Gideon T. Rasmussen: "The World Bank Technology Risk Checklist is designed to provide Chief Information Security Officers (CISO), Chief Technology Officers (CTO), Chief Financial Officers (CFO), Directors, Risk Managers and Systems Administrators with a way of measuring and validating the level of security within a particular organization."
Linkedin - a social network service
Today I discovered Linkedin ( ). Similar to OpenBC, Orkut and Friendster it gives you a platform to network. - While I'm still convinced that it takes beer, wine or hardship to really get to know people, I think it's a good service to get to that point.
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(- Has anyone a free Orkut invite? =) ) Wednesday, October 20, 2004
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Monday, October 18, 2004
FG SecMgt in the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
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I'm a member of the FG SecMgt in the FB Sicherheit of the German "Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.". If your German is good, it's a good place to meet peers and enjoy fruitful discussions. The web site has also some good presentations from past events... (meets 2-3 times a year, low volume mailing list) Monday, October 11, 2004
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