Security musings (reflectorium)
Security musings (reflectorium)
Thursday, December 18, 2003
  Another reason you don't want Edonkey/Overnet on your network
Bugtraq has a very interesting thread on "Edonkey/Overnet Plugins capable of Virus/Worm behavior". As Julian Ashton put it: " I am writing the FastTrack plugin for Edonkey/Overnet and during this process have realized that this is by far the worst and most insecure plugin architechture I have ever seen in my life." - His list of access given to bad plugins includes: local code execution, unlimited disk access and "basically anything you can imagine in the world that can be done to a windows os machine." - Bear in mind that lots of users run edonkey/overnet.
This has the potential to create huge zombie networks e.g. for Distributed-Denial-Of-Service attacks. Because of the decentralised nature of the peer-to-peer networks, it would be easy for an attacker to control it (and potentially introduce changes to the code). I have the strange feeling that 2004 will be the year of the p2p malware.
It's a really interesting thread and should definitely discourage you...
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Me enjoying a "Mate-Club", Alt-Landsberg near Berlin, summer 2003.

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