Security musings (reflectorium)
Security musings (reflectorium)
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
  Attack Trees! - Microsoft has released a free Threat Modelling Tool

It makes very nice Attack Trees, models Scenarios, Assets, Trustlevels, Use cases.. It looks like the things that I'v been waiting for and was eager to pay for (even privately) for quite some while. This looks like great stuff.
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Me enjoying a "Mate-Club", Alt-Landsberg near Berlin, summer 2003.

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Essential Security Web-Sites
Internet Head Up Display, Internet Storm Center incl. Handler's Diary on Virii and Security - Messagelabs stats, Trendmicro, Symantec, CAI, McAffee, F-Secure -- securityfocus, packetstorm

Recently added Detections from CAI
Standalone Virus Cleaner
Trendmicro Sysclean and Signature, Symantec Removal tools, Stinger from McAfee, F-Secure removal tools, Bitdefender free removal tools
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